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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The 9 Best Places To Meet The Hottest Women

If you have really been having a hard time finding girls of your dreams – we are talking about total 10 knockouts here – then the odds are pretty good that you’ve been looking in all the wrong places.
Sure, gorgeous women are all around us each and every single day – but there are definitely specific locations that real beauties frequent much more often than other, and if you want to land one of these diamonds in the rough you need to put yourself in the position to do so.
Without any further chick-talk, here are nine of the very best areas to meet jaw-dropping lovely ladies on a regular basis!

No. 1: Local Community College

Your local community college (or, if your area supports major universities) is always going to be a fantastic possibility to get to know some of the hottest chicks you’ll ever see.
All of these are between the ages of 18 and 22 (and maybe just a bit older), guaranteeing that they are in the prime of their lives – and just starting to discover all of their sexuality. We are talking about women that are knockouts through and through, young enough to have all the energy you need but old enough to give you the ride of your life!
If you’re trying to find hot ladies, you will definitely want to check out the local college and universities for sure!

No. 2: The Bookstore

The bookstore is another fantastic place to stumble upon gorgeous chicks, but not just the physical beauties that you’ll see anywhere but those that have a hidden intelligence about them that is exciting, intriguing, and truly sexy!
These aren’t the kind of girls that you will find falling out of bar-stools on the weekends, but instead those that are moving forward towards real goals and making something of their lives – sexy, driven, motivated and ambitious women that also happened to be a rather good-looking as well!

No. 3: The Dog Park

Your local dog park is definitely going to be a place that you want to check out when you’re trying to meet beautiful ladies, as you’ll know that they are fun, playful, and loyal – much like the little furry family members that they have brought for a bit of exercise and entertainment.
It’s even better if you have your own dog to bring to the park, especially if it gets along well with their little pooch. All you have to do is recommend that you get together in the future for more pet play dates, and eventually you’ll find the petting in the future to have absolutely nothing to do with your dogs.

No. 4: Shopping Malls

You’d be hard-pressed to find even a single woman on the planet doesn’t enjoy going out with their girlfriends and getting in a bit of shopping, which has the added benefit of all but guaranteeing that you’ll be able to meet packs of gorgeous women.
Yes, that’s right, you’re going to need to approach lovely girls in groups when you find them at the shopping mall – but if your game is tight and you have something to offer, it’s actually an extra hidden benefit because of the extreme confidence that this kind of move conveys.

No. 5: The Wedding Parties

There is just something about a wedding that brings out the best in women, getting them all jacked up and excited by the prospect of some weekend romance and a hook up.
On top of time, absolutely no one wants to look awful in a dress or down, so the odds are fantastic that they’ve been doing absolutely everything they can’t to get in top shape and it pulled out all the stops as far as their makeup, hair, and fashion are concerned.
Combine that with the booze, music, and everyone staying in the same hotel, and you have a perfect combination for some pretty wild times!

No. 6: The Gym (Including Yoga, Fitness & Pilates Classes)

Lovely Girl In Gym Doing Push UpsYes, you will run into “Project Girls” that are trying to get into the best shape of their lives at the gym but may still have a bit of a ways to go.
However, you’ll also find absolute knockouts that are already in tip top condition and just doing everything they can to maintain that gorgeous figure and healthy lifestyle.
Again, these women are sexy not just because of the way they look but also because of the incredible habits they are instilling on a regular basis – and there’s nothing more attractive than a naked fit woman!

No. 7: On The Public Transportation & Subways

Everyone needs to get where they’re going, and areas in major cities in the subway can be a perfect place to run into people that you never would have in the past.
However, you need to be pretty smooth about picking up gorgeous women on public transportation or the subway – they probably been hit on by some creeps in the past, and are going to have natural defenses up just as high as they get.
Again, make sure that your game is tight and you should have no problems – but certainly respect their space if they just aren’t feeling it.

No. 8: Coffee Shops

Coffee shops have become the new bar when it comes to drumming up some fun and romance, mostly because they are so much more casual in the perfect setting for “day dates”.
Find a local coffee shop in your neighborhood that you can become a “regular” at, and you’ll be able to enjoy a boost of social proof every single time you bring a new girl in!

No. 9: Night Clubs & Bars

Last, but certainly not least, you can always fall back on the “old standard” of hitting up nightclubs and bars to pick out the gorgeous girls that are taking in all of the nightlife in your city.
You’ll definitely need to bring your A game here as well, as there is going to be a tremendous amount of competition for the really hot women in this club and you’re going to need to do whatever you can to beat them out.


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