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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Does eye color mean anything?


People who evolved near the equator had dark somewhat opaque irises so that the strong sunlight wouldn't bother them and they didn't need the extra Vitamin D since they already had plenty from the excess of sunlight in those areas. People who evolved nearer the poles (farther away from the equator) had less sunlight so needed to absorb more Vitamin D, etc.

The same things can be seen in skin color, hair texture (curly hair protects the head/brain from strong direct sunlight), ease of sweating to cool the body, and some other characteristics.  

Eye color is past genetically, like most body attributes,
of course it doesnt mean anything, light colors however like blue or green tend to be much more sensible to sunlight than darker eye colors, which can be pretty annoying... also light eye color tend to change depending on weather conditions... on sunny days they become light and shiny, on rainy days they get darker.
blue and green colors is actually a malformation in the human evolution.
Scientific reasearch estimates that these colors started appearing 10 000 years ago. before that, everyone had dark eyes.


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